Monday, October 15, 2007

i heart the environment

As a proactive blogging citizen, I feel the need to participate in Blog Action Day, during which all bloggers are encouraged to post about one single issue - the environment. As such, I have two important things to say. One: global warming blows, if not only because I despise - really, really despise - unseasonably warm temperatures (hear me DC?), but also it breaks my fragile heart when bad things happen to precious polar bears.

Also, penguins. And two: ethanol is stupid and sucks ass, because it makes corn more expensive than it should be, thus adding FIFTY FUCKING CENTS to a gallon of milk. Bio-diesel all the way. And that concludes today's lesson.

(Optional classroom activity: Google polar bears, and just TRY to settle on one cute picture. It's damn near impossible.)


Diabetes and Me said...

Do you like Pandas? They are just as cute as polars if not cuter. Also, instead of the enviornment-blog day should be about the silent killer that is diabetes. That's all. Oh yeah-Smmoooches.

the grapist said...

I think polars have a slight edge over pandas, though I did just google them and found that it's just as impossible to single out just ONE cute picture. As for your other comment, tomorrow shall bring justice.