First let me say that I meant to post one of these yesterday afternoon, but apparently neglected to actually permanently add it on here. I'm thinking it's still sitting on my computer, and that maybe I can postdate it so it shows up before this one, as I plan on making reference to it in a second, and if that's the case just ignore this, okay?
So, moving on. Yesterday I watched the final three episodes of Brideshead Revisited, and considering how fucking British and, well, kinda gay it is, one should not be surprised to learn that it has quickly vaulted itself into the pantheon of my favorite films.

Stunning performances from Anthony Andrews (hot), Jeremy Irons (hotter), Diana Quick, John Gielgud, Claire Bloom, Laurence Olivier, and a whole slew of supporting characters, masterful cinematography, costuming, and art direction, fantastic writing, a gorgeous and memorable score by Geoffrey Burgon, and of course a nod to Evelyn Waugh for writing the damn thing in the first place. I do though have grave concern for a new version being released next year, which, even though it will have Emma Thompson as Lady Marchmain and is partially being adapted by Andrew Davies (Bleak House, Pride & Prejudice, The Line of Beauty), I have great concern as it will be about ten hours shorter than the '81 ITV masterpiece. But I digress. And speaking of Andrew Davies, I also watched the first episode of House of Cards.

It stars the late Ian Richardson (the Grey Poupon guy for all you rubes) as villainous, manipulative Chief Whip Francis Urquhart, a role that deservedly brought him much fame (shit, Dame Helen dedicated for BAFTA to him!), and one would be loathe not to check this shit out - on paper it admittedly sounds a bit dry, but it's endlessly entertaining.
So anyway, sorry for all that boring shit, just had to get it off my chest. Also, in the grand tradition of yesterday's blog (see above), I'm pretty sure I partially wrote it just to include this fucking awesome if entirely unrelated picture.

Oh what the hell, one more picture:

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