Tuesday, November 6, 2007

miscellany, musical and otherwise

First off, biggest news of the day - or, more properly, of the yesterday - would be that Radiohead will release through XL Records a discbox comprised of all six of their LPs and their live album, I Might Be Wrong. Doesn't really SOUND like huge news, since I already own all of their albums (excepting a hard copy of In Rainbows of course, which isn't included) and I'm not about to pay 40gbp to get them again (shit, I haven't even ordered the In Rainbows disc box), but there's a little something extra that definitely caught my eye.

See that on the right? Yeah, that's a fucking modified bear USB drive containing the same content as the disc box, and all I can say about that is, FUCK YEAH! Only problem? Well, aside from the fact that, like the discbox, I'd be paying again for albums I already I own, the god damn thing is 80gbp. So, considering that the musical content would be redundant, I'd essentially be paying over $160 (too lazy to actually do the conversion right now) for something that cost about the same to actually permanently inscribe on my skin. It really, really kills me to say it, but PASS. Unless someone's feeling particularly generous and expects absolutely nothing in return. 'Cept maybe a beej.

In other musical news, Pitchfork (note that this is my only Pitchfork citation, as the above information, while indeed published on said website, was also available on ateaseweb, and while I have no problem cribbing the majority of my content from boingboing, doing it from Pitchfork, especially twice in one post, makes me feel kind of, oh, I don't know, douchey?) has posted on clip from Heima, the Sigur Ros documentary/concert film I blogged about on here a few months ago:

Quite looking forward to this, but dismayed that I missed its one night engagement at E St Cinema because I had to get all sweaty and drunk and gay at Taint. Also, dismayed as well at the fact that Netflix doesn't seem to be carrying it. And speaking of which, entirely unrelated, but why the fuck doesn't Netflix have the first season of Twin Peaks? Or the second season of Riget (which if you haven't seen it is amazing - they've got the first one)? If I didn't have a borderline creepy obsession with the service and take immense joy in rearranging my queue, stalking the queues of others, and answering rather pointless questions about my friends, I'd be really fucking pissed off. As is, I'm just a trifle annoyed.

Oh, and the "otherwise" mentioned in the subject header? Just needed to say how fucking pissed off I am about the utter suckitude of Heroes this season. I'm still watching, because I can't bring myself to stop in the middle of a season, but if it continues at this rate I can't promise that I, or even the show itself, will stick around for a third season. No matter how many shots of wet, shirtless Peter Petrelli they throw at me. Pantsless, then maybe we can talk.

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