Monday, August 20, 2007


...are there homeless double amputees stationed by the entrances of the two CVS's that I frequent most often? I do NOT need that shit in the morning - knee nubs knubs [brilliant! -ed] sicken me. Also, this seems like a good time to remind you to vote in a little poll I've got going on in the sidebar somewhere which seeks to answer the eternal question, "Am I a terrible person?" And a special thanks to the two whole people who have already voted. Everyone else can eat shit. After voting.


Diabetes and Me said...

I voted on your poll you sick motherfucker....knowing you gays, you probably want that stub in your bum. In other news, am I a terrible person?

the grapist said...

I'll answer your question with another question - are our gchat convos now off the record? In either case, the answer's the same. And I love you.